Beautiful Baby Fatimah | Boardman, OH


I was setting up this fall inspired prop collage for baby Fatimah, as her papa’s eyes landed on my wooden baby bed. Behind me, I heard whispers of excitement from her parents as I tucked this gorgeous little girl into her cozy set up. I turned to look at them, thinking they were ooh and aah -ing over their 10 day old baby [which they did the whole session], when mom, Safa’a, asked, “Could you use the bed today?”

All most every client, tells me they trust my judgement or don’t have preferences when it comes to set ups and color choices. When asked what ideas they have for the session, I get generalized answers, like color families, at most [e.g.. “we like neutrals”, or “her nursery is peach and olive”, or “whatever you think”, or “we like neutrals” …haha]. So, I’m always on board with any idea a client may have once they are actually in my studio space. The little wooden bed is a hot commodity.

I got to work right away getting Fatimah photographed in her fall set up, so that I could quickly get her posed onto the bed, while she was still nice and sleepy. Of course, as I continually preach, babies are the bosses and this little girl woke up right after her first pose, making it near impossible to get her posed onto the bed.

She had me pulling out all of the stops to get her back to sleep, but girlfriend just wanted to be awake. She wasn’t unsettled, she just wanted to pee, poo and spit up on me, to let me know she was comfy here. ;] While she was awake, I used Reda, her papa, to get some detail shots of her tiny little baby feet.

After that [and a nursing session] she settled in just enough to be photographed in the side laying pose. Fatimah is one of the most beautiful babies I’ve seen. All babies are cute, of course, but I don’t know if it was her dark brows, deep skin tone, defined bone structure or long lashes [who am I kidding, it’s all of the above, PLUS her insanely gorgeous parents!]. I am just so taken back by her beauty every time I look at her images.

[Look at those loooong legs!]

Fatimah allowed me to finish off the session, awake, but in the wooden bed, per her dad’s request. It took very extended efforts, but this little girl’s gallery is full of sweet, snuggly, awake and awesome shots!


Congratulations on your growing family, Reda and Safa’a!