Posts tagged newborn session
Bold Baby Boy, Jude | Youngstown, OH

Soon, he was relaxed enough that I could adjust him into position with out disturbing him, still not quite asleep but resting calmly. His status stayed ‘rested, but awake’ for the rest of the session and I was able to get him into two more poses. You can see his little fists under his chin; he did what I asked of him, but on his own terms. ;)

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Newborn Baby Girl | Mila

This is the second time The Hermsdorfer Family came to see me post pandemic… well third, but second time for a newborn. Baby Cayden was born March 2020 and he came to see me at 8 weeks old for a newborn session that went fantastic; and now they were all back in my studio this week, plus one!

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Newborn Baby Boy | Michael Jr.

Michael, Jr. was in my studio recently. We dressed him like Santa and it was the most perfect little sleepy Santa that I have ever saw.

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