Baby Wyatt | Meadville, PA


I don’t think that my clients know that I’m emotionally attached to them. I mean, as creepy as that could sound, I pour so much into every session and consider every single person, baby and parent that I come in contact with, a friend. I spend an hour [or more], any time that I’m with you, bonding with your children and getting to know you. It’s painfully heartbreaking to leave a session not knowing if I’ll ever see that family again. That’s why clients like the Blakeslee’s are my absolute FAV! Repeat clients, from wedding to baby #1 to baby #2, Jess and her family hold a special place in my heart. It’s such an honor to catch up with Jess every so often on life and motherhood and everything in between and I still consider Andy a buddy of mine [and one of the nicest guys on the planet], and I haven’t even seen him since his wedding day, roughly 6 years ago!

Jess told me they’re done having babies; one boy and one girl is perfect to complete their sweet family. I’m just over here crossing my fingers that she changes her mind or books me for family photos until the end of time, because I’ll miss them too much!


I digress. We’re here for the roll-y poll-y, Wyatt, at just nine days new, and his big sis, Vivian. I was invited into the Blakeslee household to photograph the newest member and he put up a massive fight. When I arrived, Wyatt was super sleepy and let me wrap him up right off the bat. I started with his 20 month old sister and snuggles for their sibling shots, which couldn’t have gone better. Not even age two yet, Viv listens like a freaking champ. We got her full cooperation in holding her new bro, but we also got some bonus shots of her licking him when we asked for kisses. Haha!

After sibling pictures, it was Wyatts turn to be photographed solo. I unwrapped a sleepy little boy to try to get him into some really cute birthday suit poses, and he immediately turned into a wide awake little boy. [It seems as though this is the theme of my newborn sessions lately.] He was pretty content laying around awake, but awake babies are difficult to pose, so I wrapped him back up and got to work getting him back to sleep.

Many bottles later… he slept just enough to get some really cute, nude poses of his chunky little butt. I put in a little extra effort to get him into a deep sleep, so that we could enjoy the squishy baby rolls that Wyatt has to offer. And it was successful! I hope you enjoy him as much as I did!

Congratulations to the Blakselee’s! [Until next time… ;P]