Our Story: part 1 of 5 [say whaaat?!]

With your first baby, everything is on blast. Your excitement is through the roof, the feeling of wonder and joy and all the new stages of life you finally get to be apart of.. those things engulf you. Pinterest becomes you're most used media platform, you plan how to tell your husband, how to tell your family, you find a friend who is a photographer to bring your dreams to life, you plan a special post for social media on a specific date. It's all so surreal.

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When to book: Newborn

We can make this easy. If you read my last blog about Maternity sessions, than you know you're booking by 20 weeks. Even easier yet.. If you're pregnant, than book now! HA.

If you book your newborn session with your maternity session, many photographers offer package deals. I, personally, offer clients $100 off of their maternity session if they book their newborn session at the same time!

If maternity photos aren't you're cup of tea, then let's go through the do's and don'ts of booking your newborn session.

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Where, When and Why: Maternity

Aren't most women feeling like a humongous blob during the same time frame maternity sessions take place?
So convenient.

Here are a few things to help you with the booking process or things to consider when trying to decide if this type of session fits your needs.

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