Posts tagged honest mothering
Your Toughest Year of Marriage - Welcoming a Child

There are so many sacrifices made that no one tells you about in becoming parents, but the suffering of your partnership; lack of communication, closeness, and intimacy are things I had no idea would change in my marriage. I NEVER dreamed that a baby could build an invisible wall between what my husband's and I relationship once was and what it would become. Plus, it's such a gradual change that it's almost undetectable until the wall is completely built. Allow me to share my experience.

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Our Story: Part 2 of 5

At 17 weeks pregrant, also Sav's second birthday, there were lots of whispers, my dad had even rubbed my belly and asked when I was going to tell, I rolled my eyes and walked away.

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Our Story: part 1 of 5 [say whaaat?!]

With your first baby, everything is on blast. Your excitement is through the roof, the feeling of wonder and joy and all the new stages of life you finally get to be apart of.. those things engulf you. Pinterest becomes you're most used media platform, you plan how to tell your husband, how to tell your family, you find a friend who is a photographer to bring your dreams to life, you plan a special post for social media on a specific date. It's all so surreal.

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