Posts in Mom Life
Budgeting with Baby

About two years ago, I had an overwhelming desire for LESS. Less stuff, less money spent, less on my to-list, less stress. I began getting rid of anything that I could. In the process, I learned how much I had that I didn’t ever need and how much that we could actually live without. My first purge of “things” in our home, hurt. I got rid of items that were expensive and purchased for our children, but they just weren’t practical for keeping around based off of their amount of use.

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The 'P' Family at Buhl Farm Park | Hermitage, PA

It's always an honor to capture memories for families when the days are long, but the years are short. The P Family was no exception, I'm so grateful to client's like them who entrust me with these precious years!

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Your Toughest Year of Marriage - Welcoming a Child

There are so many sacrifices made that no one tells you about in becoming parents, but the suffering of your partnership; lack of communication, closeness, and intimacy are things I had no idea would change in my marriage. I NEVER dreamed that a baby could build an invisible wall between what my husband's and I relationship once was and what it would become. Plus, it's such a gradual change that it's almost undetectable until the wall is completely built. Allow me to share my experience.

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