Posts tagged newborn multiples
Boy + Girl Newborn Twins | Cuyahoga Falls, OH

To start, can we give mom, Julene, a huge round of virtual applause and a million virtual high-fives? This mama; she carried her twins to full-term, WITH a two year old at home!! The twins were brought into this world at exactly 37 weeks gestation and perfectly healthy little babes! At first, only sawyer spent one day in the NICU and they all got to leave the hospital together. There were other little baby things once they were home, [like jaundice and some belly issues] that took them back to the NICU a few times in their first weeks home, but how awesome is that?!

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Multiples Newborn Session - The Daugherty Triplets, Warren OH

Typically, a newborn session is prescheduled with a tentative date that falls within 7 days of the due date. Pregnancies of multiples rarely run full term, so I knew they would be early. Jenna let me know her late April due date, but shared that her doctor was expecting them in February with some solid time in the NICU after, so to still expect them home around their original due date. I marked my calendar for April 21st, knowing full well that would change.

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