Adding Value | My take on social media

If we could enhance the value of the content, that is being given so freely [such as the inspiration, education and connection that can be found on the internet] we would be so much better off. Smarter Kinder, more fulfilled and joyous, growth oriented and open minded. If we stopped and thought about the why behind our post, image or comment there could be so much more to gain.

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Aviation Themed 4th Birthday | Vienna, OH

I’ve been photographing Casen since he was in the womb and they’ve always done something special for their shoots for and with him. For their maternity shoot we went to mosquito late an used things like baby shoes and scrabble pieces to celebrate his little life that was about to be. First birthday, we needed up back at the lake and his mom made a hot air balloon for him to play in. He was so happy. Second birthday, we got to go to an aviation museum and explore the airplane memorabilia and run around the property chasing a crazy toddler. Third birthday, they really pulled strings and we went to a local fire department and played on a firetruck with a super cool fireman friend. Which brings us to birthday number four…

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Baby Calvin | Farmdale, OH

Erich and Krista live on and run a family farm in the same town as me and were such cool down to earth parents. Erich literally stole a kiss from Calvin any time that baby was near him, it was so sweet! They oohed and ahed all of baby Calvin’s faces, noises and poses during the session and snapped tons of behind the scenes shots of their little guy. It’s always humbling to work with first time parents who are constantly in awe of their new baby.

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In-home Newborn Session | Columbus, OH

Mike and Terra live in Columbus, so I picked up Terra’s best friend in Warren at 7 in the morning and we made the trip out to C-bus for the day. We arrived around 10:30 with lunch and a car full of equipment. I quickly got to work, because baby Madison was SLEEPY.

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