Christie Leigh

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When to book: Newborn

We can make this easy. If you read my last blog about Maternity sessions, than you know you're booking by 20 weeks. Even easier yet.. If you're pregnant, than book now! HA.

If you book your newborn session with your maternity session, many photographers offer package deals. I, personally, offer clients $100 off of their maternity session if they book their newborn session at the same time!

If maternity photos aren't you're cup of tea, then let's go through the do's and don'ts of booking your newborn session.

1. Don't inquire through social media. Most photographer's link to their pricing, their website, their contact page or their e-mail on all of their social media platforms [if you're photographer doesn't do this, legitimacy may be playing a big part in why they don't]. Take the time to click the link, visit their sight, look at their work, read their about me. At this point you know how you feel about the photographer you are considering, and, if they do not list their prices on their sight, it's the perfect opportunity to reach out. Visit their contact page and send them an e-mail. If you get to this point you're photographer knows you're seriously inquiring and will begin the experience that they have to offer to you; opposed to a short, impersonal DM on Facebook or Instagram, you're first interactions with your photographer are going to mold your relationship.

2. Do over share! I'm personally a chronic overshared, so I especially value all the details, but there's no such thing as too much information for a photographer. The more you open up on you're own, the less the photographer needs to ask, cutting in half you're e-mail correspondences and getting the booking and planning process done efficiently, for both of you! Things you can share are you're due date and the type of birth your are planning for. Let your photographer know if this is your 1st or 14th baby, gender of baby if you know it [if you do know the gender but are keeping it a fun secret from family and friends, make sure photographer knows that!]. How many other children you have; their ages and genders. If you are married, single, divorced, co-habitating, life partners... whatever your love life vs parent life dynamic is. Share any special props or shots requests that are on your heart; if you want baby clothed for all photos, bum out for the entire session, if the head in hands pose tugs on your heart strings, if you want a really natural unposed session, if you want all of the kids photographed, parent shots, family shots, pet shots, baby posed in baskets and fun props... the sky is the limit if you share these things with your photographer. Share you're maternity and paternity leave plans school schedules [for other children] and extra curricular activities, etc, so that your photographer knows what days of the week and times will work best for your growing family.

3. Don't Stress! Newborn sessions are soooo much fun! If you're putting in the work and following your heart with who you choose- from professionalism to style, then you can trust your self and your photographer. Safety comes first in newborn photography. If you're putting in the time to find that professional photographer, than you should breath a sigh of relief, because all professional newborn photographers put baby first, and KNOW that baby is the BOSS! :]