Christie Leigh

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Fall Mini Sessions | October 2018 | Hartford, OH

Minis Session day at Hartford Orchards, Hartford oh.

The Erb Fam

Joy was one of my college professors in the art department at YSU, I was pleasantly surprised when she put her husband, Jason, and I in contact to plan out their fall family session. Her oldest, Emmett, was just a tiny baby when I was in Joy’s classes. Seeing him all grown up was a huge reality check [when did my 30’s hit?!]. I think he’s at the age where laughing at cheesy mom jokes isn’t “cool“, but I stole a few snickers out of him. Jason and Joy’s daughter, Eleanore, is such a sweetie! She grinned from ear to ear the entire time and played along well with my silly jokes and her dad’s funny faces. Joy’s third child, Jason…. just kidding, but she did have to remind her husband to keep his silly faces to a minimum for pictures.

This family is so fun loving and it was an absolute honor to have them in front of my camera!

The Hutchinson Crew

Cora graduated high school along side my little sister, we caused trouble together as kids and her family was on my radar for when I would be running a special on sessions, so we were both excited when we got to book a holiday mini session together. She messaged me on Instagram a few days before our session and asked if she could bring her puppy to her session. I always say yes, because dogs are people too, and I have to notate that I definitely thought she was just endearingly referring to an old family dog as a pup.

The Hutchinson’s brought, Molly, their 3 month old Great Dane! I quickly lost my camera and sealed in excitement at the sight of that spotty little pupper.

Emma took a little coaxing out of her shell, but letting her and her brother Jack throw apples at me brought out the start of her smiles.

I’m so glad I finally got to work with this family, and that we waited until Molly could join us! Happy Holidays Hutchinson’s

Peterson Siblings

Meet Anna, Sydney and Jack.

Michele was looking for Christmas pictures, but I was only doing the Orchard Mini’s this year so she wasn’t sure if that would work for what she was wanting. Last minute, I was at a family session, just before my mini day, and had a Christmas theme set up that I sent to Michele and told her I could bring it to the orchard if she really did want to book. She loved it and got signed right up!

It was a session just for her three children who are older than my average client [I’m curious- why do family photos take the back seat once all of our kids our school age?]. When they first arrived I thought the kids [two teenage girls and a preteen boy] might be ‘over it‘ before we even began. But they laughed through their entire session!

Jack did dip out about half way through, calling it quits, but Anna and Sydney stayed for a few more sister shots. I told Michele that I wished my mom had done that for my sister and I when we were that age- awkward sister photos, who wouldn’t want those as memories?!

Big thanks to these kids for laughing at my jokes [or were they just laughing at me?] and to the mama for sticking out the crazy weather that day!

The Root Family

Chris bakes apple pies and books family portrait sessions. He reached out to me on Facebook, putting out feelers for family pictures, meanwhile, Amanda is asking Chris if they should try and book a family session before Christmas. Great minds think alike. I got them all set up for their minis and they were troopers and stuck out the sketchy Ohio weather. It’s funny how we are connected to people; Amanda and I actually worked at Victoria’s Secret together and didn’t know- she started right when I transferred to a different store.

I was a little nervous to start when their daughter Aubrey was covering her mouth and trying to hide from me; 1.5-4 yo is such a touchy age to photograph and she didn’t know me at all. Luckily, it wasn’t anything a “jumping and yelling like crazy “sesh couldn’t fix.

This family is a big reason I’m feeling so blessed in my business <3 [I mean Chris shared an apple pie recipe with me, it doesn’t get much better than that!]

The Roden Half Dozen

A friend of mine and her family own Hartford Orchard [They’re still open and in supply of apples - It’s baking season!!] that’s how I got involved with this business to begin with, it’s their first year open as the new owners. Victor is the manager of the Orchard and father of 4 boys and husband to Rachael. I’m not sure how I did it… I’m not sure how they do it. They managed to raise 3 of the most well mannered, polite boys in town and are just starting with number 4… and I got them all to smile. Seems like it should have been no easy feat, but it actually was a piece of cake! [pie?.. is pie the them of this blog post?]

Shop local and definitely stop by the orchard before they close up shop for the season, they’re doing great things in the community and also have a drop box for new or gently used shoes for the Soles for Souls program, where one of the owners daughters pours her heart and soul.

Shaffer, Party of 5

I saved the sweetest for last. Mini session day was a treat; complete with puppies and babies, dodging apples from kids and giggling with sisters, but this session held a little something extra.

I met Casey when she hosted a women’s bible study in her home a few years ago. At the time, Derek was just a teeny babe. Over the last 2 years and counting our relationship grew into acquaintances and now a friendship. I love her because the first time we hung out just us two and our 4 kids, she text me after and it read “new friendships are weird to navigate, but I hope we can do that again.” A girl after my own authentic heart! I love how she leads her life with family, honesty and puts Jesus above all else. She a breath of fresh air in my chaotic life, and I feel beyond honored to have caught these little moments for her GROWING family!